Udgivelsesår 2016

There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.
We can’t just design an item that looks great. We also have to anticipate how it is boxed up, distributed, and shipped, as well as whether or...
Robin Perkins
A man who would letterspace lower case would steal sheep, Frederic Goudy liked to say. If this wisdom needs updating, it is chiefly to add that a...
Robert Bringhurst
Typography is to literature as musical performance is to composition: an essential act of interpretation, full of endless opportunities...
Robert Bringhurst
In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages they must...
Robert Bringhurst
If I ad asked my customers what they wanted they would’ve said a faster horse.
Henry Ford